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Plus, Georgia parliament approves the foreign agent law, heavy flash floods devastate Afghanistan, and Prince Harry and his wife Meghan visit Nigeria

BOOKS | Two novels hinge on a damaging lie and an absurd proposal

The family featured in Ordinary Angels shares their other medical challenges and how God provided

BOOKS | Case studies in pride before a military fall

The trend of students identifying as animals may be linked to a strange adult subculture

TRENDING | The growth of sports gambling has led to obsessed fans, threatened players, and suspicions of cheating

WORLD Watch | Top Story

Trade war tariffs

Magazine Vol. 39, No. 10
May 18, 2024 | Vol. 39 No. 10
View Full Issue


Editor's Picks

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Our cultural insanity blows up big time at Mother’s Day

Rosaria Butterfield | ESSAY | Twenty years of same-sex marriage and the moral revolution that made it possible

Maria Baer | Let’s not hesitate as we rejoice over motherhood

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The United Methodists quickly abandon Biblical Christianity

Michael Farris | ESSAY | Why some American students feel so strongly about Palestine

Barton J. Gingerich | The America in which traditional scouting thrived no longer exists